Wednesday, July 31, 2013

And so it begins..

I became interested in home-made soap pretty recently. It seems to be extremely difficult to live a clean life, free from chemicals, GMO, BPA and other acronyms that we should avoid. In my pursuit to live a healthy life, besides living in a cave in the woods and eating off the land (which I totally would do if I didn't have dogs, knew how to garden and harvest and had no problem hunting, skinning and gutting living things) I try to find small things that I can do for myself and the people around me. Soap-making is one of them. Another is being vegan, starting my own urban garden and screaming profanities at people who litter among other things. Buuuut, that's another blog for another time. I am a researcher by nature. Everything I hear, or think or question, is researched. So, when I decided I wanted to make my own soap, naturally, I researched how. There are so many recipes but most have lye in them (which is explosive). At first, I wanted to avoid lye because I like having skin on my hands, an un-charred kitchen and eyebrows, BUT! I figured, what the hell.. I'll blow some shit up. (but I hope I don't because I will have one unhappy apartment complex). I am looking forward to making some soap this weekend, it takes 4 weeks to "age" properly. (like cheese!) and I can put any scent in it I like. Organic oils and actual spices will add some sick ass aromas to your washy wash time! WHOO! Now, I know that I am becoming an old house-wife because a few months ago I got excited about picking up my vacuum from the repair shop. (DON'T JUDGE ME) and now I am excited about soap. (Oh, lawd.) I'll post pictures as I go so make sure you come back this Sunday. :D Please, post any questions (or concerns) you have!